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Laboratory investigation of peritoneal fluids: an updated practical approach based on the available evidence
Giulia Colombo, Elena Aloisio, Mauro Panteghini

27 March 2024

The difficulty with measuring the largest melanoma tumour diameter in sentinel lymph nodes
Annelien E Laeijendecker, Mary-Ann El Sharouni, Nikolaos Stathonikos, Clothaire P E Spoto, Bart A van de Wiel, Erik J E Eijken, Marijne Mulder, Antien L Mooyaart, Anna Szumera-Cieckiewicz, Daniela Mihic-Probst, Daniela Massi, Martin Cook, Senada Koljenovic, Llucia Alos, Paul J van DiestSee the full list of authors

20 February 2024

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