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Immunoinformatic approach to assess SARS-CoV-2 protein S epitopes recognised by the most frequent MHC-I alleles in the Brazilian population
Ronald Rodrigues de Moura, Almerinda Agrelli, Carlos André Santos-Silva, Natália Silva, Bruno Rodrigo Assunção, Lucas Brandão, Ana Maria Benko-Iseppon, Sergio Crovella

5 August 2020

Predictive molecular pathology in the time of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Europe
Umberto Malapelle, Pasquale Pisapia, Antonino Iaccarino, Massimo Barberis, Claudio Bellevicine, Hans Brunnström, Dario de Biase, Giovanna De Maglio, Kajsa Ericson Lindquist, Matteo Fassan, Gabriella Fontanini, Elisa Gruppioni, Paul Hofman, Sabine Merkelbach-Bruse, Miguel A Molina VilaSee the full list of authors

31 July 2020

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